SAMKALPA II- Moral Education Camp at HB

Posted On : November 10th, 2021   To : Uncategorized

SAMKALPA means firm determination. One must be clear about the goal of life and be determined to achieve this. The goal of life in turn is determined by his/her inculcated moral values. Moral Education Camp was a step towards inculcating high moral values among the senior students of Hariharananda Balashram through proper understanding of its implications.

The camp was inaugurated on 9th October by Sri Ramesh Chandra Jethi, Principal, Womens’ College, Pattamundai. In his inaugural speech Mr. Jethi stressed about the moral education for the wholesome development of the students. The camp had Yoga session by Br. Yogesh, meditation by Swami Anandananda Giri and video talk by Sri Guruji on “Ideal of Yogic Life – Paramahamsa Yogananda” in the morning session. Moral Education classes on ‘Practicing Patience”, Freedom from Sorrow” & “Freedom from Faultfinding Nature” followed by Group Discussion and Presentation ware held in the pre-lunch session. In the evening Satsanga Swami Achalananda Giri, Swami Anandananda Giri, Swami Girijananda Giri, Swami Sugeetananda Giri, Swami Devapriyananda Giri, Swami Jyotirmayananda Giri and Swami Viswarupananda Giri explained about the importance of moral values by narrating stories from Ramayana, Bhagavattam, Jagannath Culture and Mother Durga.

Song, Debate, Art & Geeta Chanting Competitions were organised during the camp. There were presentations of skits on ‘Yogic Life’ by the participants in various groups. A beautiful cultural programme was staged by the Balashram children which was enjoyed by all. During ‘Camp Fire’ on the night of 4th day of the camp, students resolved before the Fire God to follow certail moral values in their life. The camp came to a close on 13th October 2021. The valedictory function was graced by Swami Samarpanananda Giri and Sri Pravakar Rout, Principal, Pattamundai Degree College.
The camp left a memorable mark on the minds of the young boys and girls to live a life honouring some basic moral values that will help them to grow as a responsible citizen contributing to the betterment of the nation.

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